General Membership:

Volunteer Engagements

Opportunities available throughout the semester!


Volunteer Engagements (VE) is the community service pillar of Net Impact which gives students the opportunity to engage with issues they care about! Students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of flexible, remote, or in-person activities to make an impact in their local community.

In order to qualify for general membership in Net Impact, prospective members must attend 6 Wednesday meetings and participate in 2 VE events.

Get Involved!

Give back to the community and get to know your peers through our volunteer engagements:

  • One-off: volunteer with various organizations at your own convenience

  • Semester-long: volunteer with a set organization on a recurring basis

Members: Please use this LINK to track your own volunteer experience separate from Net Impact organized events

Membership Benefits:

  1. Access to members-only Facebook Group

    • Early access to posted internship opportunities

  2. Inclusion in Resume Book

    • Sent to Center for Sustainable Business and passed on to professionals

  3. Eligibility to apply for E-Board positions

  4. Submit direct requests for companies to come and speak at general meetings.